Offaly, March 2009

John & Fiona came down to play - well John got some enforced hard labour and Fiona & Reg talked about wedding flowers, but there was still time to play on the swings :-)

the raised beds are coming along nicely..

the smaller ones are for fruit plants..

Meabh helping with the composting effort..

Oisín luvs daddies bike..

Meabh and daddy hard at work..

is he gonna help me with that big pile of muck or am i gonna have to do it myself!!..

2 beds of spuds in, carrots, beetroot, leaf beet planted so far.. strawberries, loganberries, red berries in as well..

only peas, beans, onions, scallions, leeks, garlic, calabrese, rocket & sweetcorn left to go in!